1. Data administration types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
1.1. Simple type definitions
xs:NMTOKEN: pattern=#[0-9]{3}# |
Type for identifier of ADMINISTRATIVE ZONE. |
Enumeration of allowed values for RESPONSIBILITY ROLEs. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of an ORGANISATION with administrative responsibility. |
xs:NMTOKEN: maxLen=2 |
Type for identifier of AUTHORITY. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
The type for identifier of Namespace. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of type of Namespace. |
xs:string: (empty restriction) |
Type for a value of a namespace. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for a Identifier of Region. |
1.2. The group ifopt:DataManagedObjectGroup
Elements for a DATA MANAGED OBJECT. |
ifopt:DataManagedObjectGroup |
0:1 |
ADMINISTRATIVE ZONEthat manages object. If absent then manager same as for containing parent of object. |
0:1 |
Collection of URL's associated with object. |
1.3. The group ifopt:VersionedObjectGroup
Version related properties. |
ifopt:VersionedObjectGroup |
1:1 |
Date on which element was created. |
1:1 |
Date on which element was last updated. |
0:1 |
Version of data. |
1.4. The complex type ifopt:AdministrativeAreaRefsStructure
Type for a collection of one or more references to ADMINISTRATIVE ZONEs. |
1:* |
Reference to the identifier of an ADMINISTRATIVE ZONE. |
1.5. The complex type ifopt:AdministrativeAreaRefStructure
Type for identifier of ADMINISTRATIVE ZONE. |
1.6. The complex type ifopt:AdministrativeAreaVersionedRefStructure
Type for identifier of ADMINISTRATIVE ZONE. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1.7. The complex type ifopt:AdministratorRefStructure
Type for identifier of an ORGANISATION with administrative responsibility. |
1.8. The complex type ifopt:AdministratorVersionedRefStructure
Type for identifier of an ORGANISATION with administrative responsibility. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1.9. The complex type ifopt:AuthorityRefStructure
Type for identifier of AUTHORITY. |
1.10. The complex type ifopt:DataManagedObjectStructure
Abstract Type for a versioned object. |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
ifopt:DataManagedObjectGroup |
0:1 |
ADMINISTRATIVE ZONEthat manages object. If absent then manager same as for containing parent of object. |
0:1 |
Collection of URL's associated with object. |
1.11. The complex type ifopt:NamespaceTypeRefStructure
Type for identifier of type of Namespace. |
1.12. The complex type ifopt:RegionRefStructure
Type for a Identifier of Region. |
1.13. The complex type ifopt:VersionedObjectStructure
Abstract Type for a versioned object. |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
2. Fixed Objects CHECK CONSTRAINT types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
2.1. Simple type definitions
Allowed values for a CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of a CHECK CONSTRAINT.within a STOP PLACE. |
Allowed values for a CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
Allowed values for a CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
Allowed values for a CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
2.2. The group ifopt:CheckPointGroup
- |
ifopt:CheckPointGroup |
0:1 |
Validty condition governing applicability of CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
0:1 |
Type of process that may occur at CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Type of process that may occur at CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Type of physical featrue that may slow use of CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Type of crowding that may slow use of CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Classification of feature of CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
2.3. The group ifopt:DelayGroup
Group of delays found at a stop group. Duratiosn relate to given validity condition. |
ifopt:DelayGroup |
0:1 |
Minimum duration needed to pass through CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
0:1 |
Average duration expected to pass through CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
0:1 |
Maximum duration expected to pass through CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
2.4. The complex type ifopt:CheckPointRefStructure
Type for identifier of a CHECK CONSTRAINT.within a STOP PLACE. |
2.5. The complex type ifopt:CheckPointStructure
Type for a CHECK CONSTRAINT Hazard that can be associated with. |
0:1 |
Identifier of CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
ifopt:CheckPointGroup |
0:1 |
Validty condition governing applicability of CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
0:1 |
Type of process that may occur at CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Type of process that may occur at CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Type of physical featrue that may slow use of CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Type of crowding that may slow use of CHECK CONSTRAINt. |
0:1 |
Classification of feature of CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
ifopt:DelayGroup |
0:1 |
Minimum duration needed to pass through CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
0:1 |
Average duration expected to pass through CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
0:1 |
Maximum duration expected to pass through CHECK CONSTRAINT. |
3. Countries for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
3.1. Simple type definitions
Type for Country identifier. |
Allowed values for classifying NPTG Localities. |
3.2. The complex type ifopt:CountryRefStructure
Type for Country identifier. |
4. Equipment types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
4.1. Simple type definitions
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of EQUIPMENT. |
Availabilityload status of a EQUIPMENT. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for a identifier of EQUIPMENT. |
4.2. The toplevel element ifopt:LocalService
4.3. The toplevel element ifopt:OtherPlaceEquipment
EQUIPMENT. that may be in a fixed within a SITe. |
4.4. The group ifopt:AbstractEquipmentGroup
Coomon Elements for EQUIPMENt. |
ifopt:AbstractEquipmentGroup |
1:1 |
Identifer of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Name of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Type for reference to TYPE OF EQUIPMENT. |
4.5. The group ifopt:LocalServiceGroup
Element for LOCAL SERVICe. |
ifopt:LocalServiceGroup |
0:1 |
Conditison governing availability of serevice. |
0:1 |
Classification of features. |
4.6. The complex type ifopt:AbstractEquipmentStructure
Abstract Type for a versioned object. |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
ifopt:DataManagedObjectGroup |
0:1 |
ADMINISTRATIVE ZONEthat manages object. If absent then manager same as for containing parent of object. |
0:1 |
Collection of URL's associated with object. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
ifopt:AbstractEquipmentGroup |
1:1 |
Identifer of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Name of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Type for reference to TYPE OF EQUIPMENT. |
4.7. The complex type ifopt:EquipmentRefStructure
Type for identifier of EQUIPMENT. |
4.8. The complex type ifopt:EquipmentTypeRefStructure
Type for a identifier of EQUIPMENT. |
4.9. The complex type ifopt:InstalledEquipmentStructure
Abstract Type for a versioned object. |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
ifopt:DataManagedObjectGroup |
0:1 |
ADMINISTRATIVE ZONEthat manages object. If absent then manager same as for containing parent of object. |
0:1 |
Collection of URL's associated with object. |
ifopt:AbstractEquipmentGroup |
1:1 |
Identifer of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Name of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Type for reference to TYPE OF EQUIPMENT. |
4.10. The complex type ifopt:LocalServiceStructure
Abstract Type for a versioned object. |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
ifopt:DataManagedObjectGroup |
0:1 |
ADMINISTRATIVE ZONEthat manages object. If absent then manager same as for containing parent of object. |
0:1 |
Collection of URL's associated with object. |
ifopt:AbstractEquipmentGroup |
1:1 |
Identifer of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Name of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Type for reference to TYPE OF EQUIPMENT. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
ifopt:LocalServiceGroup |
0:1 |
Conditison governing availability of serevice. |
0:1 |
Classification of features. |
0:1 |
Arbitrary extensions. |
4.11. The complex type ifopt:PlaceEquipmentStructure
Abstract Type for a versioned object. |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
1:1 |
ifopt:DataManagedObjectGroup |
0:1 |
ADMINISTRATIVE ZONEthat manages object. If absent then manager same as for containing parent of object. |
0:1 |
Collection of URL's associated with object. |
ifopt:AbstractEquipmentGroup |
1:1 |
Identifer of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Name of EQUIPMENT. |
0:1 |
Type for reference to TYPE OF EQUIPMENT. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
0:1 |
Arbitrary extensions. |
4.12. The complex type group[ifopt:LocalServiceGroup]/FeatureRefs#complexType (typedef-60.1)
- |
0:* |
Features of LOCAL SERVICe. |
4.13. The complex type element[ifopt:Extensions]#complexType (typedef-61.1)
- |
5. location types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
5.1. Simple type definitions
16 point compass. |
8 point compass. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of a GIS FEATURe. |
5.2. The toplevel element ifopt:LinkProjection
Projection as a geospatial polyline. |
5.3. The toplevel element ifopt:PointProjection
Points may be defined in tagged format or using GM coordinates element. |
5.4. The toplevel element ifopt:ZoneProjection
PROJECTION onto a geospatial zone. |
5.5. The group ifopt:GmlGroup
GML compatible markup as series of values. |
ifopt:GmlGroup |
0:1 |
5.6. The group ifopt:PlaceProjectionGroup
Defines geospatial data elements for a zone such that it can be projected. |
ifopt:PlaceProjectionGroup |
0:1 |
Points may be defined in tagged format or using GM coordinates element. |
0:1 |
Projection as a geospatial polyline. |
0:1 |
PROJECTION onto a geospatial zone. |
5.7. The group ifopt:Wgs84Group
WGS84 Coordinates. |
ifopt:Wgs84Group |
1:1 |
Longitude from Greenwich Meridian. -180° (East) to +180° (West). |
1:1 |
Latitude from equator. -90° (South) to +90° (North). |
0:1 |
Altitude. |
5.8. The complex type ifopt:AbstractProjection
- |
0:1 |
GIS Features that this element projects onto. |
5.9. The complex type ifopt:FeatureIdRefStructure
Type for identifier of a GIS FEATURe. |
5.10. The complex type ifopt:FeatureRefStructure
Type for reference to a FEATURE. |
1:1 |
Unique identfiier of referenced element, eg TOId. |
0:1 |
Type for identifier of FEATURE. |
5.11. The complex type ifopt:LinkProjectionStructure
- |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
0:1 |
GIS Features that this element projects onto. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
0:1 |
Ordered sequence of points. There must always be a start and end point. |
5.12. The complex type ifopt:PointProjectionStructure
- |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
0:1 |
GIS Features that this element projects onto. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
1:1 |
Identifier of POINT. |
1:1 |
identifier of data reference system for geocodes, if point is specified as GML compatible Coordinates. A GML value. If not specified taken from system configuration. |
ifopt:Wgs84Group |
1:1 |
Longitude from Greenwich Meridian. -180° (East) to +180° (West). |
1:1 |
Latitude from equator. -90° (South) to +90° (North). |
0:1 |
Altitude. |
0:1 |
Coordinates of points in a GML compatible format, as indicated by srsName attribute. |
0:1 |
Precision for point measurement. In meters. |
5.13. The complex type ifopt:ZoneProjectionStructure
- |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
0:1 |
GIS Features that this element projects onto. |
Inherited content is followed by own content: |
1:* |
Boundary line of Zone as an ordered set of points. |
5.14. The complex type complexType[ifopt:AbstractProjection]/Features#complexType (typedef-66.1)
- |
1:* |
Identifier of FEATURE in a GIS data system. |
5.15. The complex type complexType[ifopt:LinkProjectionStructure]/Line#complexType (typedef-66.2)
- |
2:* |
Points may be defined in tagged format or using GM coordinates element. |
5.16. The complex type complexType[ifopt:ZoneProjectionStructure]/Boundary#complexType (typedef-66.3)
- |
3:* |
Points may be defined in tagged format or using GM coordinates element. |
6. Mode types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
6.1. Simple type definitions
Allowed categroies of access to STOP PLACE. |
Allowed categories of STOP PLACE. |
7. Data Modification types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
7.1. Simple type definitions
Classification of modification as addition, deletion, revision or delta only. Enumerated value. |
Classification of modification as addition, deletion or revision. Enumerated value. |
xs:nonNegativeInteger: (empty restriction) |
A revision number is an integer that should be increased by one each time the unit that is refers to is modified. |
Indicates whether the entity this annotates is available for use. Use of this attribute allows entities to be retired without deleting the details from the dataset. |
8. Basic link types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
8.1. Simple type definitions
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of an ACCESS link. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of NAVIGATION PATH. |
Values for NAVIGATION PATH. type. |
Values for flow DIRECTION along PATH LINk. |
Values for path heading. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of PATH JUNCTION. |
Values for path heading. |
8.2. The toplevel element ifopt:AccessLinkRef
Reference to an ACCESS link. |
8.4. The toplevel element ifopt:PathJunctionRef
Reference to a PATH JUNCTION. |
8.5. The complex type ifopt:AccessLinkRefStructure
Type for identifier of an ACCESS link. |
8.7. The complex type ifopt:PathJunctionRefStructure
Type for identifier of PATH JUNCTION. |
9. Basic STOP PLACE types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
9.1. Simple type definitions
Enumeration of ACCESS SPACE Types. |
Enumeration of BOARDING POSITION Types. |
xs:positiveInteger: (empty restriction) |
Number associated with stop used for wireless cleardown systems. 20 bit number. |
Enumeration of Interchange Weighting. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of a building LEVEL within a STOP PLACE. |
Enumeration of Passage Types. |
xs:string: (empty restriction) |
The plate identifier placed on the stop. |
xs:string: (empty restriction) |
Private code alternative identifier that may be associated with element. |
xs:string: (empty restriction) |
Identifier of a stop for SMS and other customer facing delivery channels. |
Enumeration of QUAY Types. |
Enumeration of Relation to VEHICLE of STOPPING POSITION. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
Enumeration of SITE COMPONENT Types. |
xs:NMTOKEN: (empty restriction) |
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
Enumeration of STOP PLACE types. |
9.2. The toplevel element ifopt:StopPlaceRef
Reference to a STOP PLACE. |
9.3. The group ifopt:StopIdentifierGroup
Alternative identifiers of a stop. |
ifopt:StopIdentifierGroup |
0:1 |
Short public code for passengers to use when identifying the stop by SMS and other self-service channels. |
0:1 |
A private code that identifies the stop. May be used for inter-operating with other (legacy) systems. |
0:1 |
Plate number for stop. An arbitrary asset number that may be placed on stop to identify it. |
0:1 |
A 20 bit number used for wireless cleardown of stop displays by some AVL systems. |
9.4. The complex type ifopt:AccessPathLinkRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.5. The complex type ifopt:AccessSpaceRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.6. The complex type ifopt:AliasStructure
Alternative Private Code. |
1:1 |
Alternative identifier. |
0:1 |
Type of Identifier. |
9.7. The complex type ifopt:BoardingPositionRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.8. The complex type ifopt:LevelRefStructure
Type for identifier of a building LEVEL within a STOP PLACE. |
9.9. The complex type ifopt:QuayRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.10. The complex type ifopt:StopPathLinkRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.11. The complex type ifopt:StopPlaceComponentRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.12. The complex type ifopt:StopPlaceEntranceRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.13. The complex type ifopt:StopPlaceRefsStructure
Type for a collection of one or more references to a STOP PLACE. |
1:* |
Reference to a STOP PLACE. |
9.14. The complex type ifopt:StopPlaceRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.15. The complex type ifopt:StopPlaceSpaceRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.16. The complex type ifopt:VehicleStoppingPlaceRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
9.17. The complex type ifopt:VehicleStoppingPositionRefStructure
Type for identifier of STOP PLACE. |
10. Basic Time types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
10.1. The complex type ifopt:HalfOpenTimeRangeStructure
Type for a range of times. Start time must be specified, end time is optional. |
1:1 |
The (inclusive) start time. |
0:1 |
The (inclusive) end time. If omitted, the range end is open-ended, that is, it should be interpreted as specifed by the EndTimeStatus |
10.2. The complex type ifopt:TimebandStructure
Type for a range of times. Start time must be specified, end time is optional. |
The element content starts with items inherited from the base type: |
1:1 |
The (inclusive) start time. |
0:1 |
The (inclusive) end time. If omitted, the range end is open-ended, that is, it should be interpreted as specifed by the EndTimeStatus |
10.3. The complex type ifopt:ValidityConditionsStructure
A collection of one or more validity conditions. |
1:* |
Reference to the identifier of an administrative area. |
10.4. The complex type ifopt:ValidityConditionStructure
Type for a validity condition. |
0:1 |
The (inclusive) start date and time. |
0:1 |
The (inclusive) end time. If omitted, the range end is open-ended, that is, it should be interpreted as "forever". |
0:1 |
Day type for which timeband applies. If absent all day types in context. |
0:* |
Any timebands which further qualify the validity condition. |
10.5. The complex type complexType[ifopt:ValidityConditionStructure]/Timebands#complexType (typedef-58.1)
- |
1:1 |
Timeband during which element is available or in effect. |
11. Basic types for IFOPT Fixed Objects in Public Transport.
11.1. Simple type definitions
xs:decimal: (empty restriction) |
Distance in metres. |
11.2. The toplevel element ifopt:Extensions
- |
11.3. The toplevel element ifopt:InfoLink
Info Link . |
11.4. The complex type ifopt:InfoLinksStructure
Type for collection of info links. |
1:* |
Info Link . |
11.5. The complex type ifopt:InfoLinkStructure
- |
11.6. The complex type element[ifopt:Extensions]#complexType (typedef-61.1)
- |